21.02.2019, 19:50 UTC
Na discordzie FleetComm pojawila sie informacja o nadchodzacych tygodniach:
Jest tez kilka zdjec z powstajacej stacji...
Wlasnie minolem WP6 i ruszam ja obejrzec. Wydaje mi sie ze informacje ktore sa na FleetComm daja 99,9% pewnosci gdzie ta stacja jest lub docelowo bedzie :)
Cytat:The Explorer's Anchorage docking hub has now been deployed close to WP7. This constitutes stage 1 of construction The hub has outfitting facilities, but not very much else in the form of station services at the moment. Mining gear is available to buy there. The station superstructure deployment will occur in stages over the coming weeks.
Stage 2 of construction will be deployed on February 28th when more of the superstructure will appear.
Stage 3 of construction will be deployed on March 7th, and this date is when the 2nd CG will begin. The CG tier goals will determine what extra services will come online. The CG is expected to last one week.
March 14th will see stage 4 deployed.
The fleet is set to leave WP7 on March 17th, but those that decide to stay behind for a few extra days will see the final stage 5 of the station deployment on March 21st.
Jest tez kilka zdjec z powstajacej stacji...
Wlasnie minolem WP6 i ruszam ja obejrzec. Wydaje mi sie ze informacje ktore sa na FleetComm daja 99,9% pewnosci gdzie ta stacja jest lub docelowo bedzie :)